Laurie J. Swiatek - MSW, LICSW
Laurie J. Swiatek
Hello and welcome to my website!
Since 2001 I have been providing psychotherapy to Individuals, Families and Teens in Berkshire County. I feel very fortunate to be involved in this work that I love, that of the Behavioral and Emotional Healing Arts, which have been my lifelong passion.
There are many treatment modalities available to practicing therapists like myself, but the single most important element in successful psychotherapy is the quality of the therapist-client relationship. As a therapist, I aim to put clients at the center of the therapeutic process by honoring their dignity, worth and perspective, valuing their ability to connect with their own innate wisdom, and help them to discover their own truth.
At one time or another, anyone can become blocked by unhealthy or negative or unrealistic attitudes about the Self; if you are currently facing a struggle with depression, anxiety or phobias, self-esteem, the effects of past experiences or traumas, or problems functioning in any aspect of your daily life, perhaps I can lend you a hand by helping you regain your equilibrium and health.
Humans have a natural and inborn tendency to grow and strive to reach their fullest potential, but at times anyone can get stuck. If your path has become blocked or confusing or feels too heavy to carry alone, I may be able to work with you to help you to step beyond these obstacles and into a more full and rewarding life.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the psychotherapeutic process as it may apply to you or your particular circumstances. All inquiries are Welcome!